Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Scan barcodes with Android Barcode scanner

Barcode Scanner app is a must for quick access to download links found on many Android markets.
The QR code is extremely convenient. This symbol in two dimensions can store a much larger amount of information than barcode "traditional". Created in Japan and very popular in the Japanese regions, it can be used to share the details of a contact in a virtual business card, date and time of an event, an email address, GPS coordinates, a phone number, text, and of course an internet address. This last function is the most commonly used solution in the Android repositories, to redirect readers to a download link in the Google Android Market.
Android Barcode Scanner
This QR Code reader is effective and free for Android phones! Barcode Scanner offers fast read bar code QR on your Android device.  After launching the application, you simply aim the QR code with the camera of your phone and place it in the center of your screen in the transparent rectangle. The unit automatically will scan the code and the red line will start to flicker. Less than a second later, the software will show the stored web address and will prompt you to open it in your browser, to share it by email or send it by SMS.

In addition, it will alleviate you from the stress of scanning bar codes present on the items of trade. Although the analysis of the image is a little slower, the process will prove useful for comparing the prices of CDs, books or video games with "Google Shopping" but also to access product presentations and user reviews on Internet.

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