Created on 14th of April, 2015, alltekng mainly focuses on providing quality articles constantly to users in technology platform. We also provide news and information regarding smartphones, fixing of malfunctioning mobile phones, sharing significant tips, providing moderate recommendation that will motivate the modest use of devices.
Feeding you with valuable information offers us that euphoric feeling. As regards to that, we are continuously accessible to resolve your issues and supply solutions to your Enigma every 24hours of the day and 7days of the week.
Our Mission
This blog was designed with passion and love that will offer individuals completely different sorts of answer to different kinds of issues through continuous analysis and past experience that led to knowledge. Indeed experience is a teacher. As part of our services, we attempt to create a mutual relationship with our blog readers and guests by creating a platform where they will post complaints and suggestions directly to the administrators through the contact page on this blog..Feeding you with valuable information offers us that euphoric feeling. As regards to that, we are continuously accessible to resolve your issues and supply solutions to your Enigma every 24hours of the day and 7days of the week.