If the Nintendo DS emulators are legion in the Play Store, most of them fail to provide a sufficiently fluid gameplay and stable to be relevant. This is not the case Drastic that despite some bugs, delivers very good display performance and allows an enjoyable gaming experience. To launch a title, simply indicate to the application the directory where you placed your roms.
The program is also distinguished by the extensive customization it offers, including its displays and its controller. You can define their size and layout yourself or choose one of the proposed models. A configuration that can be taken in globally or specifically addressed for each game; ideal since the use of the multi-screen differs from one game to another.
During the game, a button allows you to access some basic features: mute, unmute the microphone, turbo mode, save or load a game, swap the screens or access the settings. These latter are-many between the video settings (speed, graphic filters, etc.), audio (volume, latency, etc.) or linked to the controller (opacity buttons, deadband, external controllers configuration, etc.). Note the opportunity to play in landscape mode, as well as set a default language for multilingual games.
Unfortunately, the free version of Drastic allows only 30 minutes of daily play and prohibits backup your games. Turn to the full version to 4.49 euros seems inevitable if you want to extend the experience. If you do not have Android device, you can turn to DeSmuME available on Windows and Mac OS.
The program is also distinguished by the extensive customization it offers, including its displays and its controller. You can define their size and layout yourself or choose one of the proposed models. A configuration that can be taken in globally or specifically addressed for each game; ideal since the use of the multi-screen differs from one game to another.
During the game, a button allows you to access some basic features: mute, unmute the microphone, turbo mode, save or load a game, swap the screens or access the settings. These latter are-many between the video settings (speed, graphic filters, etc.), audio (volume, latency, etc.) or linked to the controller (opacity buttons, deadband, external controllers configuration, etc.). Note the opportunity to play in landscape mode, as well as set a default language for multilingual games.
Unfortunately, the free version of Drastic allows only 30 minutes of daily play and prohibits backup your games. Turn to the full version to 4.49 euros seems inevitable if you want to extend the experience. If you do not have Android device, you can turn to DeSmuME available on Windows and Mac OS.